Enrich your life by supporting the Great Bay Stewards!

Contribute to the Annual Appeal
People experience the beauty and wonder of Great Bay in so many ways every day, and many of these encounters are made possible by friends like you.

Become a Member
Membership in the Great Bay Stewards makes you part of the team that works to preserve, protect, and provide education about the Great Bay.

Make a Donation
Your donation will help to ensure that the Stewards can continue to support programs around the Bay.

Make a Legacy Gift
Make a donation of stock or include the Great Bay Stewards in your estate plans. Find out all the details of the GBS Brokerage Account. Please read information on Great Bay for the Ages and the GBS Bequest Language.

Become a Volunteer
Take pride in being a friend of the Great Bay by volunteering your time. Volunteers are also needed for coastal cleanups, Bay monitoring, and special events.

Join Our Mailing List
Sign up for our newsletter and stay informed of special events and programs that help ensure the overall health of the Great Bay. You may opt in our out anytime!