Love Clean Water? Become a Tide Turner Today!




Did you  know that everyone who lives in the Great Bay region has the power to make our water cleaner and our communities healthier places to live? You may already be doing what it takes to be a Tide Turner.  If not, it’s free and easy to get started. Sign up now and you’ll receive a beautiful yard flag, welcome packet, and information on special events and opportunities. All you have to do is agree to do at least five of these seven simple things:



  1. Get outside! Hike, run, paddle, search for beach glass—enjoy the rivers, beaches, and bay that making living here so amazing.
  2. Cut Back on Lawn Fertilizer: It’s more affordable, it reduces nitrogen pollution, and your lawn will still be pretty.
  3. Scoop the Poop: More than 43,000 dogs live in our region—need we say more?
  4. Plant a Rain Garden: Why let that good rain turn into polluted runoff (or flood your basement)? Soak it up!
  5. Lend a hand: Go on a beach cleanup, help plant dunes or buffers, or even become a bird or fish monitor! 
  6. Service Your Septic: It’s a bargain—it will have a longer life, it protects your property value, and cuts down on groundwater pollution.
  7. Practice being a better environmental stewards: garden with native plants, plant pollinator-friendly plants, and remove invasive species.




The Great Bay Stewards are proud supporters of Every Drop.
Logo for Every Drop. Small Changes. Big Difference.


YES! I want to be a Tide Turner!


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