Become a Member, Renew Your Membership, or Make a Donation! Support the Great Bay by becoming a Steward!
Plus, Enjoy these New Membership Benefits and Perks only available to members!
You can become a member, renew your membership or donate online using our secure payment system! Click on the drop down menu to choose your membership level. If you would prefer to make a donation, please click on the “Donate” button toward the bottom of this page.
Please keep in mind when deciding on your membership level or the amount of your donation that the Great Bay Stewards are absorbing the credit card processing costs of your transaction, so you won’t have to pay that fee.
Membership Levels
Personalized Donations
Would you care to make a donation to the Great Bay Stewards? If you prefer, you can make your donation in honor or memory of a loved one with a connection to Great Bay. Click on the DONATE button below and you can personalize your giving.
Membership by Mail
For those who prefer to pay by check, we also accept memberships via mail.
The Great Bay Stewards
Great Bay Discovery Center
89 Depot Road, Greenland, NH 03840
603-778-0015, ex. 350