Nancy (right) with fellow volunteer Marylyn Benson
As the Great Bay Stewards celebrates the 25th anniversary of its nonprofit designation in 2021, we’re excited to look back at our history with the many people who have been a major part of the organization over the decades. One such Steward is Nancy Cauvet, former chair and one of the founders of the Art of Great Bay.
“Shortly after joining the UNH Marine Docents in 1997 I chose Great Bay Discovery Center as one of my volunteer commitments,” says Nancy. “I had, and continue to have, great respect for the staff and was happy to use my gardening and teaching skills in this environment.”
“I joined the Great Bay Stewards Board a few years later,” she says. “The Board’s sponsorship of the Great Bay 5K was a great success but we needed another, different kind of fundraiser. In 2005 we initiated an art show in the newly completed barn. The theme was two- and three-dimensional art featuring Great Bay. A subcommittee of the Board set up the criteria, handled the publicity, hung the show on standing panels created by my late partner Jim, and managed the three-day event. To reach out to a different community we added a Saturday afternoon tea for seniors. The show continues to grow in revenue and popularity.”
Another project shepherded by Cauvet was on the grounds of the Discovery Center. “The zigzag garden was overgrown from neglect,” she says. “In 2013 I enlisted the Piscataqua Garden Club to fund, design, and install a new garden under the direction of Marylyn Benson, a club member. The garden was dedicated to Marylyn after her death.”
“Although I am no longer an active volunteer I am pleased to continue to support the work of the GBDC and the Great Bay Stewards,” Nancy says. “The Center staff and the GBS Board continue to fulfill their missions of education and research around the Great Bay Estuary. They do this with great joy and total commitment.”
The Stewards love still seeing Nancy at Lunch & Learns, our annual meeting, and at the opening reception of Art of Great Bay, and are grateful to her for sharing a few of her many memories with the Stewards!